API Docs for:

File: src/lib/sorted-list.coffee

extended array of objects, always sorted

@class SortedList
@extends Array
@module interval-tree2
class SortedList extends Array

    @param {String} compareKey key name to compare objects. The value of the key must be a number.

    key name to compare objects. The value of the key must be a number.
    @property {String} compareKey
    constructor: (@compareKey) ->

    insert a value

    @method insert
    @param {any} val
    @return {Number} inserted position
    insert: (val) ->

        pos = @bsearch(val)

        @splice pos + 1, 0, val

        return pos + 1

    remove the value in the given position

    @method remove
    @param {Number} pos position
    @return {SortedList} self
    remove: (pos) ->

        @splice pos, 1

        return @

    get maximum value in the list

    @method max
    @return {Number}
    max: ->
        @[@length - 1]?[@compareKey]

    get minimum value in the list

    @method min
    @return {Number}
    min: ->

    binary search

    @method bsearch
    @param {any} val
    @return {Number} position of the value
    bsearch: (val) ->

        return -1 if not @length

        mpos = null
        mval = null
        spos = 0
        epos = @length

        while epos - spos > 1
            mpos = Math.floor((spos + epos) / 2)
            mval = @[mpos]
            comp = @compare(val, mval)

            return mpos if comp is 0

            if comp > 0
                spos = mpos
                epos = mpos

        return if spos is 0 and @compare(@[0], val) > 0 then -1 else spos

    leftmost position of the given val

    @method firstPositionOf
    @param {any} val
    @return {Number} leftmost position of the value
    firstPositionOf: (val) ->

        index = @bsearch val

        return -1 if index is -1

        num = val[@compareKey]

        if num is @[index]?[@compareKey]

                break if index <= 0
                break if @[index - 1][@compareKey] < num

        return index

    rightmost position of the given val

    @method lastPositionOf
    @param {any} val
    @return {Number} rightmost position of the value
    lastPositionOf: (val) ->

        index = @bsearch val

        return -1 if index is -1

        num = val[@compareKey]

        if index is @length - 1 and num > @max()
            return index + 1

            break if index + 1 >= @length
            break if @[index + 1][@compareKey] > num

        return index

    # sorted.toArray()
    # get raw array
    toArray: -> @slice()

    comparison function. Compares two objects by this.compareKey

    @method compare
    @param {any} a
    @param {any} b
    compare: (a, b) ->

        return -1 if not a?
        return 1  if not b?

        c = a[@compareKey] - b[@compareKey]

        if c > 0 then 1 else if c is 0 then 0 else -1

module.exports = SortedList