File: src/lib/
SortedList = require './sorted-list'
node of IntervalTree, containing intervalsj
@class Node
@module interval-tree2
class Node
@param {Number} center center of the node
constructor: (@center) ->
another node whose center is less than
@property {Node} left
@left = null
another node whose center is greater than
@property {Node} right
@right = null
sorted list of Intervals, sorting them by their start property
@property {SortedList(Interval)} starts
@starts = new SortedList 'start'
sorted list of Intervals, sorting them by their end property
@property {SortedList(Interval)} ends
@ends = new SortedList 'end'
the number of intervals
@method count
@return {Number}
count: -> @starts.length
insert an interval
@method insert
@param {Interval} interval
insert: (interval) ->
@starts.insert interval
@ends.insert interval
get intervals whose start position is less than or equal to the given value
@method startPointSearch
@param {Number} val
@return {Array(Interval)}
startPointSearch: (val) ->
index = @starts.lastPositionOf(start: val)
return @starts.slice(0, index + 1)
get intervals whose end position is more than or equal to the given value
@method endPointSearch
@param {Number} val
@return {Array(Interval)}
endPointSearch: (val) ->
index = @ends.firstPositionOf(end: val)
return @ends.slice(index)
gets all registered interval
@method getAllIntervals
@return {Array(Interval)}
getAllIntervals: ->
return @starts.toArray()
remove the given interval
@method remove
@param {Interval} interval
@param {SortedList} list
remove: (interval) ->
@removeFromList(interval, @starts)
@removeFromList(interval, @ends)
remove the given interval from the given list
@method removeFromList
@param {Interval} interval
@param {SortedList} list
removeFromList: (interval, list) ->
firstPos = list.firstPositionOf interval
for idx in [firstPos...list.length]
candidate = list[idx]
if is
module.exports = Node